Thursday, May 21, 2009

AH HA moment

I have finally signed up for the gym. Went for 2 on monday (that's the one where my legs wouldnt work after that) and if there was a fire...I would gladly sit at my desk and pray for the best instead of walking down 10 storeys...and the other session was yesterday called body's all about's so bad....the instructor was like will burn about 600 calories in the class...oh good.....tell me now..after my 3000 calorie muffin, which i had for breakfast..but as Thomas said....600 calories is more than what I would burn in a whole week before going to the's so bad...the hands were weak...couldnt lift my arms...and that's when I had my AH HA moment...people lose weight going to the gym because they cannot lift their arms high enough to feed themselves....that must be it..nothing to do with cardio...nothing to do with rising the metabolic rate...altho I must admit I would be one of those who would gladly put my face on the plate to slurp food....sigh...

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