He goes:
'GRRRRRRRRR' when he sees a picture/toy of dinosaur, tiger, lion
'MOOOOOO' when he sees a cow
'MUAK MUAK' when he want food or water
'OH OH' when he drops something or something goes wrong
'OHHHHHHHHH' when the car goes over a hump
'TA' when he wants something or something is given to him
'BOO' when we play peek a poo
He does the actions to these songs:
Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
The Wheels on the Bus
Ring a Ring a Roses
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
When you're happy and you know it (clap your hands)
He likes watching:
Sesame Street
Baby Einstein
Bob the builder
He can:
Blow kisses
"play" golf
Stroke someone's face gently (when you say Sayang)
Kiss someone (when you say chut chut)
Feed himself with a spoon
Drink from a cup
Shakes his head when he doesnt want something
He loves:
Ice Cream
Trucks and Cars
Pushing his fisher price truck around the house
He dislikes(more like hate):
Having his hands and face clean with a cloth
Waiting for his food or his milk
Having food of different texture in the same mouthful
He still:
Have a dummy for his night sleep
Have a bottle before he goes to bed every night
He is:
Badly constipated
That's J at 18 months. Will keep adding as I remember... =)

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