Saturday, November 24, 2012

D-8 to Ethan's Birthday

Was suppose to make the marshmellow fondant today but it was sooooo hot...there was no way I was going to knead and roll something that might just dissolve in this sweltering heat....argh...decided to do the easy stuff...heee...hello kitty bow and the letters...

The plastic cutters were a little hard to work with but i'm riding on confidence remember...heee...rolling out the white gum paste was easy enough...cutting them using the cutters wasn't....the letters were a little too fiddly and the gum paste was a little too rather than using the cutters to cut the letters...i sort of did a deeeeeeeeeep emboss on the gum paste, then let the gum paste harden just a teeny bit...not too much...else the letters will crack....then using a modelling tool...peel and cut the unwanted parts away...TADA....perfect...

I was so happy with myself that i forgot to make would serve me right if they decided to break into pieces at the very last minute....

Happy to say..the bow was much easier.....roll the red gum paste into a long tube...use a rolling pin to flatten to the desired width....trim the edges to make it even...emboss the edging with modelling tool. Of course doing all tat will still be a long flat piece and no wat do u do? Making sure that the "inside" is facing up, gather both ends to meet in the middle and overlap one end slightly onto the other end....use a little water as "glue"....crunch the middle slightly and flip the ribbon over(pretty side is facing up now).......make a round gum paste piece and attach it to the crunched middle part of the ribbon....

Wanted to make the ribbon a little I stuffed kitchen towel while making the ends meet so tat the sides are a bit puffed up....leave it to dry with the kitchen towel inside.....DONE!

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