Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Jayden's first the bed

This is such a dumb blog..but I feel that it is such a huge milestone..simply because I think at the back of my mind I was just waiting for something like this to happen...since everyone tells u it would...I left J on my bed for his afternoon nap(as usual) and next thing know I heard this "BOM" sound and then a's weird because usually when he wakes up...he will cry for someone to pick him I reckon he probably got distracted by something and was crawling to get it....and to think I took so much effort to build a fortress of blankets and pillows around him to prevent it.....I guess it is time to move him to his cot for his afternoon naps...especially when I am busy playing mahjong(which if you are my mum...I swear I wasn't doing yesterday)....


Anonymous said...

Hmmm... why does every baby have to fall off from the bed once? Haha!

I had similar experience too when I thought she will wake up making noise. Well... she did, but was already on the floor when that happened! :P


Anonymous said...

haaa.. got ba lu gu or not... this is only the beginning.. why ur blog got to key in word verification to cumbersome... Sally

Jo said...

Done!! Off the word verification liao...apparently it's the prevent comment spam...

Jo said...

er herm..I mean it's to prevent comment spam...