Friday, August 8, 2008

One small step for a man.....

I guess anyone who reads my blog will by now be very familiar with Jayden's sleeping(or not) habits. He is not a very good sleeper except for when he is in it is with great joy that I write this blog... .....

Jayden currently co-sleeps with Thomas was a little concern about how kids will not sleep in their own room and cot when they are yesterday, I decided to start putting him in his cot in his room for his afternoon naps....lo and behold...he took to it like fish to water...left him there with his dummy and 5 minutes later...he was nothing...for only 20 mins though...of course I had to take a picture to prove it....then again..with could be a fluke...

So today at childcare, I was pleasantly surprise when I was told that Jayden slept on his own the cot with his nothing...for..tada...2 hours...what can I say...isn't he such a darling...heee heee


Louis said...

Why place Jayden in childcare?

Jo said...

He only goes there once a week lor...have to let him and me get used to it since I will be going back to work in Sept...but then he LURVES it there....

Anonymous said...

He looks different from the last time I saw him! Its amazing how fast kids grow..(Sally)